Passive income strategy — Augmented Finance

BeinDeFi journal
1 min readFeb 10, 2022

Have you seen anything like Augmented Finance on Avalanche blockchain?

Yeah, It’s like Benqi or Aave.

They’re doing high APR + Airdrop through Feb 22nd. Seems like a great return for another 2 weeks!

I discovered a basic folding strategy (they accept 12 different tokens):

Supply +$300 worth of JOE.

Borrow +$100 worth of JOE.

You can deposit that borrowed JOE back into Augmented. Now you’re technically supplying over $400 worth.

Net APY will be like 47% during this time.

Then you get an airdrop on Feb 23rd.

Using their airdrop formula, you would get and the extra 385 $AGF coins, which is currently over $400.

You can also lock your daily APY rewards for extra APY boosts, but I wouldn’t do that. I don’t lock up farm tokens. I’ll cash my daily rewards periodically.

After the airdrop happens, you can exit Augmented and put your JOE into sJOE.



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